「Russian Studies」 Preparation Guidelines

1. Body Text Preparation Guidelines

1. The review of a manuscript that is not prepared according to the manuscript preparation requirements is postponed until a revised manuscript with appropriate corrections is submitted. The editorial staff may make formal correction to the manuscripts for publication.

2. Languages: The body text should be written in one of Korean, Russian, and English. An abstract written in a language different from that of the text (Russian or English) and an abstract written in Korean should be attached. The abstract should describe the gist of the entire manuscript within one page. Key words of the manuscript should be added at the end of the text and the abstract in Korean, English, and Russian.

3. The requirements for the fonts, paragraphs, and margins are as follows:

① The page margins are 50 mm to the top side, 50 mm to the bottom side, 13 mm for the header, 10 mm for the footer, 45 mm to the left side, 45 mm to the right side, and 0 mm for binding.
② The fonts for the body text and abstract should be written in Nanummeyongjo (나눔명조)(font-size: 10; Times New Roman for English and Russian) with a font-stretch of 100%, a line-spacing of 155%, and an indent of 2 inches.
③ The quotations should be written in Nanummeyongjo (나눔명조)(font-size: 9; Times New Roman for English and Russian) with a font-stretch of 100%, a line-spacing of 140%, margins to the left and right sides of 4 inches, and an indent of 2 inches.
④ The references should be written in Nanummeyongjo (나눔명조)(font-size: 10; Times New Roman for English and Russian) with a font-stretch of 100%, a line-spacing of 155%, margins to the left and right sides of 3 inches, and an outdent of 3 inches.
⑤ The footnotes should be written in Nanummeyongjo (나눔명조)(font-size: 9; Times New Roman for English and Russian) with a font-stretch of 100%, a line-spacing of 140%, margins to the left and right sides of 3 inches, and an outdent of 3 inches.
⑥ The page number is not shown.
⑦ The recommended levels of headings are as follows:

Example 1) 1, 2, 3, …
Example 2) 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, …
Example 3) 1.1.1, 1.1.2, 1.1.3, …

4. Other Information About Manuscript Preparation

1) The funding sources and the publication of the abstract are marked in the footnote on the first page of the body text with (*).
2) For the Korean notations of the Russian name of a person and a location, either hard consonants or aspirated consonants may be used, but consistently.

Example 1) 도스또예프스끼, 벨린스끼, 끼예프, 뿌쉬낀⋯⋯
Example 2) 도스토예프스키, 벨린스키, 키예프, 푸시킨⋯⋯
※ However, conventional notations may be used for idiomatic pronunciation of words.
Examples) 모스크바, 시베리아⋯⋯

3) Proper nouns are written in Korean as well as in the original language in a parenthesis only when the proper nouns appear firstly in the body text. After the first appearance, the proper nouns are written only in Korean.

Example) “투르게네프(Тургенев)”; Then, “투르게네프.”

4) In the body text written in Korean, the title of literary work is written in 「 」, and the title of a book or a journal is written in 『』. In the case of a manuscript written in English or Russian, the titles are given according to the custom of the languages.
5) English notations of Russian words are not recommended.
6) In an abstract written in Russian, ‘ ’ is used for emphasis, “ ” for a title of an article, and « » for the title of a literary work and quotation. The title of a book or a journal is written in Italic.

2. Footnote Preparation Guidelines
1. The authors, year of publication, and pages may be briefly given in the body text (internal footnote), or the details of the authors, year of publication, title of publication, publisher, and pages may be given in the bottom of the body text (external footnote). The accurate reference information for the internal footnotes should be available in the References section added to the end of the article. For example, the internal footnote for the reference, “Searle, John R.(1969) Speech Acts: An Essay in the Philosophy of Language, Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press,” should be as follows.

Example 1) According to Searle (1969: 76-77), (…) Example 2) (…) A researcher agrees to this point of view (Searle 1969). (…): No comma is added before the year.. Example 3) Searle and Lee (1968): When listing coauthors, “and” is added before the last author.

2. When quoting from two or more articles published by an author in the same year, symbols, such as a, b, and c, or а, б, and в, should be added. The same symbols should be used for not only the internal footnotes but also the references.

Example) Searle(1969a), Задорнов(1991б).

3. External footnotes may be written as the methods use for each language. It is recommended to provide a detailed footnote for the first quotation and then a simplified footnote from the second quotation.

Example 1) В. Е. Хализев(1995) “Ценностная ориентация М. М. Бахтина и его духовная драма”, Вестник Московского университета. Филология, № 6, М., С. 13. Example 2) В. Хализев(1995), 13.

3. References Preparation Guidelines

1. References are added between the end of the body text and the abstract, and listed according to the following rules.

A) In the order of Korea, Russian, and English.
B) In the alphabetical order of the name of the first author in each language.
C) In the chronological order of the publications of the same author.
D) If the single-authorship and co-authorship publications of the same author are included, the single-authorship publications are firstly listed.

2. The references of different types are written in the following manner.

① An article published on an academic journal.

– Author (Last name, name or initials of the name) year, title of article, name of journal, volume, pages.

Example 1) 이인영(2001) 「러시아어 부분격 구문 연구」, 『러시아연구』, 제11권 제1호, 서울대학교 러시아연구소, 164-204쪽.
Example 2) Timberlake, Alan(1996) “Reflexives with Object Antecedents,” International Journal of Slavic Linguistics and Poetics, № 39/40, pp. 261-278.
Example 3) Хализев, В. Е.(1995) “Ценностная ориентация М. М. Бахтина и его духовная драма”, Вестник Московского университета, Филология, №. 6, С. 12-28.

② A book

– Author (Last name, initials) year, title of book, location of publisher: publisher.
(The location of publisher may be omitted for a reference written in Korean.)

Example 1) 채트먼, S.(1996) 『영화와 소설의 서사구조』, 김경수 옮김, 민음사.
Example 2) Neidle, Carol(1988) The Role of Case in Russian Syntax, Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Example 3) Шведова, Н. Ю.(1970) Грамматика современного русского литературного языка, М.: Наука.
Example 4) Ахматова, А. А.(2000) Собрание сочинений в шести томах, T. 1, М.: Наука.

③ A dissertation

– Author year, “Title of Dissertation,” Degree, Institution.

Example) Fowler, George Hayden(1987) “The Syntax of the Genitive Case in Russian,” PhD. Dissertation, Univ.of Chicago.

④ Article in press

Example) 이인영(인쇄중), 『아바쿰』, 서울대학교 출판부.

⑤ Co-authorship publication

– Representative author (last name, name or initials), and, associate author(name or initial, last name), year, title of book, location of publisher: publisher.

Example 1) Pulkina, I. and E. Zakhava-Nekrasova(1980) Russian, Moscow: Russian Language Publishers.
Example 2) Крадин, Н. Н., С. В. Данилов, и П. Б. Коновалов(2004) Социальная структура хунну Забйкалья, Владивосток: Дальнаука.

⑥ The date of search should be added for the material found on the internet.

Example 1) 김상협(2016) “동북아 슈퍼그리드 시대의 주역이 되자”, 『매일경제』, 2016.10.19, http://opinion.mk.co.kr/view.php?sc=30500111&year= 2016&no=730876 (검색일: 2017.09.02).
Example 2) Герасименко, Олеся, Ксения Солянская и Алексей Левченко (2009) “«Единая Россия» вступила в профсоюзы”, Газета.ru, 2009.03.20, https://www.gazeta.ru/politics/2009/03/20_a_2961497.shtml (검색일: 2018.05.08).
Example 3) Bokarev, Dmitry(2017) “Asian Energy Ring: The Vision is Being Turned into Reality,” New Eastern Outlook, 2017.02.17, https://journal-neo.org/2017/02/17/asian-energy-ring-the-vision-is- being-turned-into-reality/ (검색일: 2017.09.02).
Example 4) “Структура РТК”, ФНПР, http://rtk.fnpr.ru/n/2/6.html (검색일: 2018.05.09).
Example 5) “Trade Union Organisations,” The Federation of International Employers, http://www.fedee.com/trade-union-organisations/ (검색일: 2019.05.27).

⑦ Notes

– No comma between the author and the year.
– A colon is added between the location of publisher and the publisher.
– The name of an author or an editor is given in the order of last name, name (or initials).